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This is the first assignment of my class. It is about what I am passionate about, why I am passionate about it, and what I want to do with it later on.




I would have to say that my personal passion is art. I’m not just saying art as in drawing and painting, but art that encompasses both the performing and visual arts. This includes dance, music, theatre, photography, cinematography, drawing, and painting. The arts are also incredible because they can teach an individual so many things. Take ballet for example. In ballet you learn the following: discipline, flexibility, collaboration, respect, hard work, listening skills, dedication, grace, and teamwork. The arts have so much to offer.


So what?


Art is significant because it is the greatest way to release one’s self from everything that is happening in the world. It is the ultimate form of self expression and allows an individual or group to express ideas and feelings. Art is important because art is able to transcend cultural, racial, and economic differences and bring people together. One of my teachers in my music appreciation class said that music is a universal language. He went on to explain that feelings and emotions were not bound to just one set of culture and that through music (art), people are able to share the same feelings and responses as others from completely different cultures and heritages.

Art became an interest to me through the total emersion I have had with it. I have been dancing for over half of my life. I had art classes almost every year of school before I came to college. I self taught myself how to play guitar, piano, and harmonica and had clarinet lessons. I was in my high school’s choir and often sang at church. Now that I have done so  much with the arts, I never want to leave them. It captivates me because the arts are everywhere and people don’t even realize it.


Now what?


I would love to be able to go deeper into the arts and figure out how to introduce more people to them. I think that in today’s world, the arts aren’t being promoted enough because everyone thinks that you can’t make a career out of it. It also is stereotyped as a non-prestigious job that doesn’t help society. I want to find either help find a way to get the arts more into the “spotlight” of society or use whatever I know in the arts to then help others with what they are going through in life.  

I feel extremely engaged with my interest as a ballet major. I am doing what I love everyday. I am also looking forward to the opportunities that will be coming up in my life. I’m excited for what this summer may bring me in terms of summer intensives and companies. I’m also looking forward to where my career will take me.


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